Poverty Sucks !!!
We have been going through the process of filing for a chapter 13 for 2 months due to lots of medical bills and other bills and after 2 months of jumping through hoops because they have changed the rules drastically, the lawyer tells us we don't qualify !!!!

My liver enzymes are high, my bp is low, I'm having hypoglycemic episodes and the dr's still don't know what's going on with me physically. I'm having a meltdown. I just want to run away but I don't have anything but a bike and probably wouldn't get very far. lol Woooosah I NEED a break.
Medical bills ain't ish....they can't do anything for real unless they sue you - which takes time and process. I have a couple of my own that the mofos don't even call me on no more cause I got the gas face when they call......
lemme see what city/state you're in - I think I might know of a mortgage program you might wanna check out. check your BL messages in a lil bit.......
Oh sweetheart, I am so sorry. This is such a heavy load but must try not to stress because it is only going to make your health worse. Okay...you know me girl...go to the word first...
Scriptures to meditate:
III John 1:2, Psalms 37:25, Psalms 34:10, Psalms 23:1, Deuteronomy 28.2-8, Deuteronomy 28:11- 13, Deuteronomy 8:18, Luke 6:38, 1 coninthians 16:2, Malacil 3:10-12, II Corinthians 9:6-8, Matthew 19:29, Matthew 6:31-33, Joshua 1:8, Ecclesaiastes 2:26, Philippians 4:19.
Speak HIS word over your finances. You are and have done all YOU can do. Now, let God take the rest for you.
Go here and get some daily devotional prayers that will REALLY, REALLY help.
http://creflodollarministries.org/BibleStudy/DailyConfession s.aspx