Poverty Sucks !!!

mrs. neenaj
on 4/14/10 4:27 am
Maybe it's not managing the little money we have that is more appropriate but it still sucks. I usually don't share my personal business but if I don't get this off of my chest I'm going to make myself sick carrying this weight around. I know that I'm supposed to give it to God but somehow I haven't been able to release this one. My car was reposessed last week and now we have 1 vehicle and that doesn't work out well when my hubby works 12 hr. shifts and my son is in so many activities at school.

We have been going through the process of filing for a chapter 13 for 2 months due to lots of medical bills and other bills and after 2 months of jumping through hoops because they have changed the rules drastically, the lawyer tells us we don't qualify !!!!  Now we are 2 months behind on major bills and I'm on a disability check which isn't very much. My son can't take his summer class because it costs $150 by tomorrow and we owe Uncle Sam instead of getting a refund.

My liver enzymes are high, my bp is low, I'm having hypoglycemic episodes and the dr's still don't know what's going on with me physically. I'm having a meltdown. I just want to run away but I don't have anything but a bike and probably wouldn't get very far. lol  Woooosah I NEED a break.
on 4/14/10 4:45 am
That is a lot, but, somehow some way things will work themselves out.

Wishing you the best in this difficult situation.
mrs. neenaj
on 4/14/10 4:52 am
Thank you. ((hugs))
on 4/14/10 4:55 am
hole up..... I've been thru Chapter 7, almost did it again year before last.....

Medical bills ain't ish....they can't do anything for real unless they sue you - which takes time and process. I have a couple of my own that the mofos don't even call me on no more cause I got the gas face when they call......

lemme see what city/state you're in - I think I might know of a mortgage program you might wanna check out. check your BL messages in a lil bit.......
mrs. neenaj
on 4/14/10 6:01 am
We have a few other bills too but a lot are medical bills. I'm just concerned about being behind now and trying to catch up. Thanks for your information.

We don't own a home but rent so we can't do anything about mortgages. Home ownership was about 10 yrs ago when I was teaching.
on 4/14/10 5:42 am - Mesa, AZ

Oh sweetheart, I am so sorry.  This is such a heavy load but must try not to stress because it is only going to make your health worse. Okay...you know me girl...go to the word first...

Scriptures to meditate:

III John 1:2, Psalms 37:25, Psalms 34:10, Psalms 23:1, Deuteronomy 28.2-8, Deuteronomy 28:11- 13, Deuteronomy 8:18, Luke 6:38, 1 coninthians 16:2, Malacil 3:10-12, II Corinthians 9:6-8, Matthew 19:29, Matthew 6:31-33, Joshua 1:8, Ecclesaiastes 2:26, Philippians 4:19.  

Speak HIS word over your finances.  You are and have done all YOU can do.  Now, let God take the rest for you.

Go here and get some daily devotional prayers that will REALLY, REALLY help.

 http://creflodollarministries.org/BibleStudy/DailyConfession s.aspx

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

mrs. neenaj
on 4/14/10 6:06 am
Thanks doll. You know that I know about the word and what it says, but I'm not being obedient right now. I just had to come here for some support and do like it says in Gal. 6:2 Carry one another burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. (I hope I quoted it right). This was getting too heavy for me and really I'm supposed to give it to God because He can carry it ALL. ((hugs))
on 4/15/10 1:12 am - Mesa, AZ
I know sweetheart, I know you do.  If I came off like sister super christian, I'm sorry. I am lifting you and I am praying for you.  I just wish I could do more.   I guess I always feel so helpless, but I know God can do what I can't do.  Again, if you need to talk, cry, laugh, scream, whatever...just call...anytime!!!

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

on 4/14/10 7:05 am - Philly-delphia, PA
I have been MIA but HAD to respond and let you know that I have you and your family in my prayers and am hoping for the best for you all...
HIGH-294CURRENT-151 GOAL-150LBS GONE-143LBS 2 GO-1 (Last weigh in 7/14)   Platics Done: Breast Reduction (5/14) Extended Tummy Tuck w/ Anchor & Brachioplasty (5/29)
mrs. neenaj
on 4/14/10 7:25 am
Thank you Gorgeous. ((hugs))
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